Use the form below to send your recipe and photo. You’ll get full credit and a one-way link back to your website if you have one, or favorite charity if you don’t. See notes below for more info **. Thank you for your contribution!
* Indicates required field. All fields are required.
Duplicate Content
** Posting exact copies of content will negatively affect your search engine rankings. If you are submitting a recipe you’ve posted elsewhere, the wording of the recipe should be appreciably different, and consider renaming the recipe. However, a link from our site with original content will be a quality link and we do not require any reciprocal link back in return.
Links Back
We reserve the right to reject links to anything controversial (politics, etc.).
Recipe Rules
*** reserves the right to reject any submissions. If in doubt, just send the recipe and let us know what you’re not sure about!
- Recipe Duplication: this website already has a very similar recipe, or we have found an identically-worded recipe elsewhere.
- Clarity of recipe: recipe instructions must be quite clear. We reserve the right to edit recipes containing spelling and grammatical errors.
- Clarity of ingredients: submissions with unclear quantities such as “1 can of evaporated milk” will be rejected. Evaporated milk comes in different size cans AND this varies between countries. Young or inexperienced bakers may have no idea that there’s a “usual” size. You must provide the exact volume of your can/bottle/package/box, such as “1 (7-ounce) can of evaporated milk”.
- Quality of photo: photos should be taken with good lighting, should be clear, the recipe must fill up the entire frame, contain no people, and should be a minimum 1200px wide.